How to Access your Google Drive Account in Ubuntu

The integration of an operating system with online services is something that every modern user loves. Ubuntu, for example, has the facility to integrate with some important services such as Google Drive. So, today, you will learn how to access your Google Drive Account using Ubuntu Desktop.

It is no secret that Google Drive is one of the most significant storage services out there. Just the fact that it is integrated with Android and goes hand in hand with Google is already a guarantee of success.

However, as Google does not have a desktop operating system (with apologies to Chrome OS) it is uncommon to achieve an integration with this, unless you have to install the official clients. With Ubuntu is something different.

Ubuntu includes an account setup tool with which you can integrate some services with the operating system in a process that is both quick and easy.

Access your Google Drive Account with GNOME online Accounts

GNOME Online Accounts is a single sign-on framework for GNOME. It aims to provide a way for users to set up online accounts to be used by the core system and core applications only.

Thanks to it, you can enter your login details for some online services, such as Google and Facebook then use applications to access online services like email, calendars, chat, and documents.

So, the integration is almost complete in the system.

As you can see, Google is part of the supported services. This means that you can also use Drive on Ubuntu with seamless integration.

It is really unlikely that Ubuntu does not have the integration by default, but if you want to be certain, you can run in a terminal.

sudo apt install gnome-online-accounts

Now open the system options from the main menu

Enable Drive access

Now access the section called Online Accounts where you will see many options for Online services.

GNOME online accounts
GNOME online accounts

Choose Google to start the login process.

Access to Google using Ubuntu
Access to Google using Ubuntu

The next step is to decide what you want to synchronize. As you can see, they are all viable options, but the one that suits us best is Files.

Google Account settings on Ubuntu
Google Account settings on Ubuntu

Synchronize Drive with Ubuntu via Nautilus

Now open Nautilus, which is Ubuntu’s file browser, and you will notice on the left side how a network drive was created with the name of your account.

Google Drive nautilus integration
Google Drive nautilus integration

Just click on it to mount it and synchronize your drive with Nautilus.

Access your Google Drive Account in Ubuntu
Access your Google Drive Account in Ubuntu

Now the integration is complete. You can copy files from your hard drive to the network location with automatic synchronization. But also vice versa.

How to use Google Drive in Ubuntu

Thanks to the integration of Google Drive with Nautilus, the use of Nautilus on Ubuntu is simple. So, you won’t have any problem with it.

How to copy files from Ubuntu to Google Drive

The first thing you need to learn is how to copy files from Ubuntu to Google Drive from Nautilus. To achieve this, choose a file from your drive, copy it and paste it into the Google Drive.

Copy a new file
Copy a new file

Automatically, that will synchronize with your Drive account. The time it takes for this file to upload and sync to your cloud will depend on the size and bandwidth available. As it is a small file, it will be almost automatic.

Upload new files into Google Drive using Ubuntu
Upload new files into Google Drive using Ubuntu

To check the changes, open Google Drive in your web browser and after logging in you will notice the change.

Check the changes on Google Drive using its web interface
Check the changes on Google Drive using its web interface

How to delete a file on Google Drive

Using the above method, the procedure is quite similar. First, you have to access the Drive volume from Nautilus and decide which file to delete. Delete it as usual.

If you want to confirm the changes, you can log back into Google Drive from your web browser and check that the changes have indeed been made.

Files deleted
Files deleted

How to remove Google Drive Account on Ubuntu

If you already would like to enjoy the Google Drive integration with Ubuntu, then the sensible thing to do is to remove it. To achieve this, go back to the system options and from there to Online Accounts.

Click on Google and you will see a red button called Remove Account Press it, and you will be able to remove Google Drive from Ubuntu.

Remove Google Drive account in Ubuntu
Remove Google Drive account in Ubuntu

Another option is to simply disable the Drive integration and leave the other items. But this will depend on your specific needs.

Third-party clients to access Google Drive on Ubuntu—Are they worth it?

For Ubuntu, there are third-party clients like Insync or Overdrive that add more functionality to Google Drive access. The problem with some of them is that they are not open source or free.

Some features (depending on the tool) may include automatic and partial synchronization and speed limiting depending on the available bandwidth.

So, it all depends on how much you actually use Google Drive and what features you need to use.


Google Drive is a cloud storage service from Google. Its integration on mobiles and desktops is excellent, and that’s why you will be able to enjoy it on Ubuntu without major issues.

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